Configuración de Gráfico

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Revision as of 11:38, 14 January 2011 by Metalromeo (Talk | contribs)
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Effect Settings
  1. Calidad de las animaciones:
    • Alta - version con animaciones de 12 frames por segundo
    • Media - version con animaciones de 6 frames por segundo
    • Baja - version con animaciones de 1 frame por segundo
  2. Animacion de monstruos:
    • maxima - muestra todas las clases de animaciones de monstruos
    • minima - el minimo necesario para mostrar animaciones de los monstruos
  3. Modelos de personajes:
    • Especifica el numero de modelos por personaje(Desde uno - la primera apariencia, cinco - un muñeco dorado).
  4. Weapon types:
    • min - displays the minimum set of animations of attacks and expectations
    • max - shows all the attack animations and expectations
  5. Improve effects quality:
    • Enables or disables animated quality effects
  6. Improve objects quality:
    • Enables or disables the replacement of some facilities more resource
  7. Show FPS:
    • shows frames per second in top left on game
  8. Show coordinates:
    • location of the character in the map
  9. form of the skills description
    • gives a description of your skills in the toolbar
  10. Show castbar for all:
    • views the name of the spell over the character when it is casted
  11. Chat font size:
    • changes the chat font size from size 10 up to size 15
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