From FragoriaWiki
Curador se especializa en la curación y la eliminación de los hechizos dañinos. Actúa el papel de un médico en un grupo y trata a sí mismo y los miembros del grupo. El personaje elige esta clase, Sanador, en el nivel 15 de Chamán . En el nivel 31, la clase Sanador de nuevo sub-clasifica como Asistente y Herbolario[[ ]].
Habilidades Evolución del curador
Nivel de 15 caracteres
- 'escudos nivel 1
- Luzarmaduras nivel 1
- Martillos'nivel 1
Nivel de 20 caracteres
- 'Sanación Holística nivel 1
Level of character 22
- Wrath of the Heavens level 1
Level of character 25
- Dispersion of Evil level 1
- Curing level 1
Level of character 28
- Holistic Healing level 2
Level of character 30
- Wrath of the Heavens level 2
- Regeneration level 1
Level of character 32 (alone with the corresponding skills of new class)
- Radiance level 1
- Curing level 2
Level of character 34 (alone with the corresponding skills of new class)
- Wrath of the Heavens level 3
Level of character 38 (alone with the corresponding skills of new class)
- Curing level 3
Level of character 40 (alone with the corresponding skills of new class)
- Radiance level 2
- Wrath of the Heavens level 4
Level of character 42 (alone with the corresponding skills of new class)
- Healing is level 4
Level of character 46 (alone with the corresponding skills of new class)
- Wrath of the Heavens level 5
- Radiance level 3
Level of character 50 (alone with the corresponding skills of new class)
- Wrath of the Heavens level 6
- Radiance level 4
Level of character 60 (alone with the corresponding skills of new class)
- Wrath of the Heavens level 7
Level of character 63 (alone with the corresponding skills of new class)
- Radiance level 5