Qué es PVP
From FragoriaWiki
Player vs. Player
PvP (Player versus Player) - the English term meaning battles between characters - duels, tournaments and other. In Fragoria there are special PvP-locations on which battles between characters are resolved. Basically, it is locations for characters above 15 levels.
For convenience of battles between characters there are some PvP-modes which are switched by pressing of the button near to the panel of hot keys in the bottom of the screen.
Peace mode - the character at all does not attack other characters. Free mode - the character will attack all other characters. Group mode - the character will attack all other characters except for those who consists in one group with it. Guild mode - the character will attack all other characters except for those who consists in one guild with it. Only malicious - the character will attack only Characters.
In the city of Fragotown there is special PvP a zone - Arena. It is presented by the round closed arena on which there is not enough place for movings. On arena two characters having a difference on levels. Having exposed the character on duel and having waited the opponent, you need to make preliminary rates on an outcome of duel. To generate prize-winning fund which is received by the winner. On arena the opportunity to make the rate on "death" of fights also is given to spectators of fights.
PvP Zone:
Frago-Town - North left: 10-15 pvp zone (red ball)
Frago-Town - North right: 15-20 pvp zone (red ball)
Frago-Town - south: 20-29 pvp zone (blue ball)
Frago-Town - west up: 40-49 pvp zone (green ball)
Frago-Town - west down:30-39 pvp zone (yellow ball)
Frago-Town - est up: 50-59 pvp zone (orange ball)
Frago-Town - est down: 60-100 pvp zone (white ball)